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Five steps program
Lean Farming has developed a 5-point program for employee management in agricultural companies. The program is called “A network of structure”.
There is a wealth of good advice and solutions when you want to manage the employee management. Therefore, it helps to have it put in some boxes. The five boxes in the program “A network of structure” cover the whole topic with checklists, schedules and methods.
1. Proper recruitment
You need to be able to attract the type of employee you want. If you want ambitious and talented people, you must signal that you have something to offer that group. First and foremost, you need to employ the right attitude on the personal level, for the professional you can teach people. Make a strategy and a plan in the short and long term.
2. Clear roles and responsibilities
The organizational chart should be clear and understood by everyone. Responsibilities and work plan must be firm and not change according to who you hire. If you are hiring someone who cannot bear all the responsibility, then you should instead train and support until the level is in place.
3. Clear expectations of effort and performance
There must be written standard procedures for all tasks so that everyone knows how to do the tasks. The standard must be trained so that the employee can perform the task properly. It must also be perfectly clear to the employee what result you expect. It gives the employee security and job satisfaction.
4. Constructive evaluations and follow-up
Make a plan on how to instruct and train new employees. They need to have an on-boarding program and an educational plan and you need to do very close follow-up at the beginning. Employees at all levels must be evaluated according to a specific schedule and you must follow up on whether they are doing the job properly or need more training. Give them a certificate when they can work independently on the individual tasks or machines.
5. Continuous feedback and coaching
Management is providing feedback all the time. When you start something, it is your job to follow it all the way to the door. Your employees need coaching so that they can grow during the task. They become both proud and engaged when they feel that you are interested in their development in the job.