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Lean Leadership has the characteristic that we involve the employees in the work of making improvements on the farm. It creates motivation and commitment in a completely different way than top-down leadership. But it is not that easy, so exchanging experience in groups and coaching are popular methods for developing your leadership.

Individual management training and coaching of managers
Management development works really well in a dialogue where we talk about what is important to the manager right now. When faced with a problem, learning is very effective. When we train and find solutions together, something happens.
Operations managers must both look down towards the employees and upwards towards the owner or the board. This makes the role of the middle manager particularly difficult, which is why there is a need for coaching on the day-to-day management.
I do management training and coaching of managers on the farm and very often with online follow-up. The leader sets an individual goal that we pursue. We take one step at a time, learn, train and measure.
The manager training can take place in a long-term course at a fixed price per month and it can also happen as short courses focusing on a particular topic.

Focus Group Lean Management
Owners and managers participate in a discussion group where they discuss Lean Management in their business. We train implementation of the Lean culture, Lean tools and give each other sparring.
The group meets four times a year. Each meeting has a specific theme that is linked to the participants’ everyday life. Between meetings, participants receive coaching on their own challenges and goals.
You join the group for one year at a time. It costs DKK 5000 + VAT for one year. In addition, participants pay for meals for the meetings.

Presentations and workshops on management
In a collaboration with the world’s best, we organize lectures and workshops on leadership from around the world.
Lean Farming® and Danace have a unique collaboration with Juan Quezada from Milk Source in the USA. We have been to several countries in Europe with lectures and workshops on employee management. It is an amazing experience to be able to work with people who are so talented. It is a great inspiration.
Lean Farming and Danace makes study tours for managers with focus points as leadership, barn design, management and more.

Managers Study Tours with People Management as Subject
Lean Farming® and Danace create customized management courses for managers from several countries and to several countries. We set the program together with the participants, but they always include both company visits and workshops.

Personal competencies
When people work together, it gives you insight and understanding for each other when creating a personal profile together.
I use the eight facets when creating personal profiles. It provides a nuanced picture of the behavior a person is best at.
I use personal profile testing at
- Employee and managerial development
- Team development
- Recruitment
I am certified by E-stimate®.

Do you want to know more?
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