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The interest in Lean in agriculture is huge worldwide. Therefore, it makes good sense to work with others across countries and continents. Are you a consultant and want to train your clients and their employees in Lean Management? Would you also like to be part of our worldwide network Lean Farming® Business Parties? As we work together on projects, it is also necessary that you either completed the Lean Farming® Master Trainer or otherwise have knowledge of and experience with Lean in agriculture.

Become a Lean Farming® Master Trainer
Lean Farming offers a certified course Lean Farming® Master Trainer , which gives you as a consultant the skills to implement the Lean approach to Agriculture and to use the tools on agriculture.
The course consists of four days and the first two days are Lean theory teaching and how, Lean can be implemented in agriculture – both milk production, pig production and crop production. It could also be administration on larger farms. The courses are designed for 1-3 people at a time, so there is good opportunity to adapt to the industries in which the participants work.
Then we have two days of farm visits to do workshops and get practical training in using the tools. It also gives a lot to hear about the experiences farmers have with Lean.
Upon completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate to prove that they have completed the course. This certificate guarantees that participants have gained knowledge and understanding of Lean Management in agriculture. The course does not end with an exam.
The number of participants is between 1-3 per. course. It costs per participant € 2200 at min. two participants ex. hotel and travel.

Become a Lean Farming® Business Partner
Lean Farming® Business Partner is in process. It will become a worldwide network of advisers and others working with Lean in agriculture.
I get mails from people all over the world who want to know more about how we work with Lean in agriculture. Breno Rodrigues from Brazil was one of them. He attended a Lean Farming® course in Denmark at a time when he was employed by the Embraer in Brazil, where he worked with Lean. Now he has formed his own consultancy firm Flyde Consulting, where he works with Lean in agriculture.
There is a huge potential in implementing the Lean mindset in agriculture of all kinds. Better profits can be created for the owners, more satisfied employees, but also reduced on the food waste that starts already in production and in stores around the world.
The business model is that we help each other with tasks. For example, we need to cover several different languages and several continents. Breno Rodrigues, for example, helps me with a job with a soy producer in Brazil.

How to be a Lean Farming® Business Partner
You can also become part of our worldwide network Lean Farming® Business Partners . As we work together on projects it is also necessary that you either completed Lean Farming® Master Trainer or otherwise have knowledge and experience with Lean in agriculture.
If you would like to join, please contact me. Then we can talk about what opportunities we have for collaboration. It can be joint initiatives in your country, concrete projects or you may have new ideas?
If you are interested in hearing more, please contact me at either +45 3026 1500 or sp @ leanfarming .eu
Lean Farming® Business Partners

Thyas Künzle
Theacher and advisor
Landwirtschaftliches Zentrum SG
Tel: +41 79 102 46 30
Thyas Künzle
My name is Thyas Künzle. I come from Wattwil, Switzerland, and grew up on a typical Swiss dairy farm. After my studies, I started my professional career at the Agricultural Center St.Gallen. As teachers at the agricultural school in Flawil and as advisors for cattle farmers, our team tries to make every farm a little better every day.
Our specialist cattle team has worked with cow signals for several years. Our focus is on building and converting cattle stables. Both the cow and the farmer are at the center of our work. Good work processes and work efficiency are particularly important to us.
We have also been working with Lean Farming since 2023. We are trying to apply the idea of Lean Farming to Swiss conditions.

Sibylle Möcklinghoff-Wicke
Dipl. Ing. agr.
Innovationsteam Milch/LV Milch Hessen
Tel: +49 6172 7106294
Sibylle Möcklinghoff-Wicke, Germany
My entire professional life to date has been focused on milk production. The basic background for this was laid as a child and the practical and scientific training (degree in agricultural sciences) as well as the additional qualifications I have acquired over the years are now a solid basis for my professional work advising dairy farms.
My area of responsibility includes issues relating to management and husbandry, economics, work organization, farm management and farm development. An additional focus is information management, which includes publications in the regional and national specialized press, lectures and organizing specialist events in cooperation with other advisory bodies.
With over 30 years of professional experience in dairy farming, I am very familiar with discussions and exchanges with farmers, consultants and veterinarians and have a strong national and international network in the industry.

Stieneke Ijdema
Dairy producer and Lean consultant
Fruerlund Farm Management
Tel: +45 5329 8221
Stieneke Ijdema, Denmark
My name is Stieneke Ijdema and I live at Fruerlund near Kjellerup, where together with my husband I have a milk production with 600 cows, which are milked with 9 milking robots. On our farm we look at CowSignals® and think Lean.
I am an educated teacher, but have worked in our farm for the past 25 years. In addition to my work on the farm, I have been a member of the board of Young Farmers and Rabobank. I have been employed as a board member of NoorderlandMelk, a supplier association that sells milk from their supplier. Here I was responsible for milk quality, certification and supplier contact.
In 2020, I founded Fruerlund Farm Management, where I train and teach farmers in CowSignals® and Lean. I work with dairy herds where I, together with the employees, look at the signals the cows show and make improvements using Lean. Work planning, structure and management are often part of it. It is a coaching process for farmers and their employees.
- Lean Manager + transformation Black Belt certificering (færdig sept. 2020)
- Certificeret Cow Signal Master Trainer, 2018
- People Signals, 2018
- Young Stock Signals, 2019
- Feeding signals, 2020
- Stress Free Stockmanship, 2020
- From dry to fresh, 2020
- Hoof signals, 2020

Breno Silva Rodrigues
Industrial Engineer and Production Management Specialist
Flyde Consulting – Lean Farming Solutions
Tel: +55 12 98177 9090
Breno Rodrigues, Brazil
Breno Rodrigues is a Brazilian Industrial Engineer and Production Management Specialist. He has a wide experience in leading Lean Manufacturing and Lean Office projects in global organizations for 8 years, acting in industries such as automotive, metallurgical, oil & gas and aerospace.
Since 2018, Breno has focused in his efforts and knowledge in Lean Farming projects, due to its high implementation potential in Brazilian agribusiness. Besides former experiences in the United States and Argentina, had the opportunity to meet some Lean dairy farms in Denmark.
Breno is currently taking Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering, whose thesis is related to Lean dairy farms. Simply fascinated for people management and efficiency!

Jeffrey Bewley, PhD, PAS
Dairy Housing and Analytics Specialist
Holstein Association USA |
Tel: +1 270 401 8822
Jeffrey Bewley, USA
Dr. Jeffrey Bewley is from Rineyville, Kentucky where he grew up working on his grandfather’s dairy farm. He received a B.S. in Animal Sciences (dairy option) from the University of Kentucky in 1998. In 2000, he completed his M.S. in Dairy Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison under the direction of Dr. Roger Palmer with a focus on dairy modernization. His Ph.D. work under Dr. Mike Schutz at Purdue University focused on the application and economics of Precision Dairy Farming technologies. For 9.5 years, Jeffrey was on the faculty at the University of Kentucky as an Extension Dairy Specialist. He has also worked with IceRobotics, PerforMix Nutrition, and BoviSync. Dr. Bewley is currently Dairy Housing and Analytics Specialist with Alltech.
Jeffrey’s professional interest include Precision Dairy Technology, Dairy Records Management, and Analytics, Compost Bedded Pack Barn Management and Construction, Freestall Barn Construction, Management, and Modernization, Mastitis Management and Prevention, Economic Decision Support, Animal Health Economics, and Dairy Farm Financial Analysis.
Jeffrey Bewley received the American Dairy Science Association Foundation Scholar Award in Production and American Dairy Science Association Cargill Animal Nutrition Young Scientist Awards in 2015. He was named to the Vance Publishing 40 Under 40 for Agriculture Award in 2014. He secured over 7.5 million dollars in funding during his research career. He has published over 50 peer-reviewed publications, 110 meeting abstracts, and 50 industry magazine publications. He has delivered over 100 invited presentations around the world primarily on precision dairy technologies, compost bedded pack barns, and mastitis management. He is an active member of the American Dairy Science Association and the National Mastitis Council. Dr. Bewley is also a certified CowSignals trainer, a MEX udder health coach, and a Lean Farming® trainer. Jeffrey Bewley is a partner in the CowFocused Housing consulting company. Jeffrey pursues his passion for dairy cattle genetics trough breeding and marketing as a lead partner in IceBlue Genetics, BlueCow Genetics, and JBP Genetics.

Simon Steiner
Ekspert i strategisk innovation, underviser, Future Developer
Future Farm Design – Solutions for a future fit agriculture
Tel: +49 176 84844788
Simon Steiner, Germany
Simon er konsulent og forelæser for innovation og organisationsudvikling ved forskellige universiteter i Tyskland og Frankrig.
Han er ekspert inden for innovationsmetoder, New Skills, New Leadership og approch til forretningstransformation. I mere end 10 år har han hjulpet organisationer med at blive klar til fremtiden. Han underviser ledere og giver værktøjer, tilgange og tankegangen for agile organisationer. Han har ledsaget og uddannet startups, SMV’er, multinationale virksomheder samt universiteter, NGO’er, landbrugsvirksomheder og offentlige administrationer i komplekse transformationsprocesser.
Since he was a child, Simon always paid special attention to agriculture. As entrepreneur, he runs an online-business for agricultural accessories and grew up between three agricultural extremes around his family: A tiny, yet profitable 40 acres farm (grandfather/uncle), a large, highly efficient, and super-specialized 3000-acre agribusiness (uncle/cousin), and a most various 250 acres organic pioneer farm where he grew up (mentor/family friend).
De individuelle kampe hos hver enkelt og spændingen mellem disse ulige ekstremer i kombination med hans dybdegående viden om innovation, iværksætteri og udformning af fremtidens metoder har fået ham til at samle sin erfaring i et program, som han kalder Future Farm Design.
I dette program arbejder han med landmænd for at forberede deres gårde til fremtiden, for at udvikle nye forretningsmodeller og for at forblive manøvrerbare i tider med stor usikkerhed (VUCA). Simon inspirerer med at tænke ud af boksen og bruger effektive og praktiske metoder til dagligdagen.
I 2020 modtog Simon certifikatet “Lean Farming® Master Trainer” fra Lean Farming® i Danmark.

Do you want to know more?
You can always call or write to me at
Tel: +45 30261500