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Online Lean træning fungerer! Det har vi bevist – og det betyder, at vi kan tilbyde træning over hele verden på både dansk og engelsk. Vi sammensætter programmet efter jeres behov. I kan være en gruppe fra et landbrug, en gruppe af rådgivere – eller bare en person.

Lean Farming online training included assignments and praktical training

Vi har lige trænet 10 personer fra Dairy Extension på North Carolina State University

Sammen med universitetet lavede vi et skræddersyet program, der løb over 8 uger. Hver uge havde vi to timers undervisning med teori, opgaveaflevering og diskussion. Og der var mange gode drøftelser, mens vi gennemgik stoffet. Det skyldes ikke mindst, at vi skiftede mellem teori og praktik – og at deltagerne var meget engagerede.

Ass. Professor Stephanie Ward, NCSUtook the initiative to the Lean training

Lean Farming®-kurset hjalp vores rådgiverteam

Mælkeproduktion ser i dag så anderledes ud end for 20 eller bare10 år siden. Mælkeproducenterne og driftsledernes ansvar fortsætter med at udvikle sig, efterhånden som gårdene bliver mere effektive og bruger mere teknologi og dataanalyse i deres ledelsesstrategier.

Lean Farming®-kurset hjalp vores rådgiverteam med at identificere områder på gården, hvor vi kan hjælpe producenterne med at målrette reduktion af spild. Det at anvende LEAN-strategier til styring af forretnings- og medarbejderinteraktioner er noget vi er særligt glade for at implementere.

COVID gav nogle udfordringer for os for at gennemføre kurset, men Susanne og hendes team arbejdede for at gøre virtuel levering af kurset nyttigt og anvendeligt på vores gårde og vores team.

Stephanie H. Ward, Assistant Professor, Dairy Extension, North Carolina State Universit

Thank you, Susanne. I only have kudos to offer to you for leading this 1) online and 2) in a language other than your native one. You’re already a rock star in my mind! I look forward to the next session.

Brittany Whitmire, North Carolina State University

Eksempel på et program

Lecture no.SubjectsMethodPurpose
1Introduction to Lean
The history of the Lean Thinking
The Lean HouseLean principles according to agriculture
The eight types of waste in dairy farming
2 hours online session Presentation and discussion  To get the basic Lean knowledge linked to dairy production
2People approach
Attendees presentation of homework
Involving staff and the Lean approach
Communication boards
Weekly whiteboard meeting – Kaizen meetings and continuous improvements
How to implement as the first step on the farm
2 hours online session Presentation and discussion  To understand the Lean approach and to know how to implement
3Structure and steady flow
Attendees presentation of homework
Structure and stability in the work processes
Flow in the production
2 hours online session Presentation and work in groups  To understand the foundation of Lean from a dairy perspective
4Find and remove waste
Attendees presentation of homework
Value Stream Mapping in dairy farming
Workshop with group work
Presentation of group work
2 hours online session Presentation and discussion
Work in groups
To know how to use one of the main Lean tools on a farm
5Tools: 5S and Standards
Follow up on the previous lecture – questions
5S on a farm
Case: 5S vision on a farm
SOP and protocols
Consistency and visibility
2 hours online session Presentation and discussion  To know how to use more of the main Lean tools on a farm
6Visible goal management
Attendees presentation of homework
Visible goal management
Lag measures and lead measures
How to break goals down
The management board and the team board
2 hours online session Presentation and discussion  To know how to use more of the main Lean tools on a farm
73A-method for improvement
Attendees presentation of homework
Focus area – quarterly themes3A-method
Describe the problem and the goal
Find the root cause (fishbone, Pareto, 5whys)
Possible solutions – improvements
Action planning and execution
Follow up
2 hours online session Presentation and discussion  To know how to use more of the main Lean tools on a farm
8Implementation on the farm
Follow up on the previous lecture – questions
Implementation on the farm
Start: “What is your biggest challenge?”
Next: “What would you like to achieve?”
Where to start and what is the frame?
Wrap up of the course
Question and answers
2 hours online session DiscussionTo see the benefit of starting from the farmers perspective

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